Danny's speech

Created by Catherine one year ago
These are some of the most memorable moments I spent with my Dad throughout my life.
I fondly remember the amazing times we spent on holiday at the house our grandmother had in the south of Spain. It had lots of open space within and beyond the grounds and as kids me and my siblings would frequently play outside with Dad. One of the most memorable games he invented was one where me & my sisters would dress up in camouflage and hide on the other side of the valley. Dad gave us all walkie talkies, and would radio us if he spotted us with binoculars. The last one who stayed hidden won.
Another fond memory I have was of finding him the online advert for his beloved G-Wagon 4x4, second hand of course, which he proudly (and controversially) named Rommel. He got me the day off school and we both flew all the way to Glasgow to drive it back down to London, which took roughly 8 hours and a lot of stops for fuel.
As a kid, dad would frequently take me to visit the National Army Museum, viewing as many rooms as dad could tolerate with the stairs…and my hyperactivity….. There was an incident though one time, we were in the Pacific War section and I saw, as a 10 year old, a Japanese soldier mannequin on display. I questioned my Dad about whether the mannequin was part of the Allies or enemy to the British. When he told me I punched the mannequin in the chest…… and the alarm went off for the whole building and my Dad swiftly ushered me out the museum as quickly as possible.
Finally, I had the chance to spend the final 6 months of my father’s life caring, looking after and living with him. As a result I was able to connect with him emotionally during these final months, which meant a lot to me. I gave him as peaceful a set up as I possibly could. And I’d like to think he enjoyed that time with me through the difficult final stages of his life.
I love you Dad,
We’ll all miss you.